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Who Do Tomboys Grow Up to Be? On Childhood Gender Nonconformity and Gender Identity and Sexuality


The Center is proud to present this conversation with Lisa Selin Davis about her recent publication, “Tomboy.” In “Tomboy,” Davis explores the evolution of tomboyism from a Victorian ideal to a twenty-first century fashion statement, honoring the girls and women–and those who identify otherwise–who stomp all over archaic gender norms. She highlights the forces that have shifted what we think of as masculine and feminine, delving into everything from clothing to psychology, history to neuroscience, and the connection between tomboyism, gender identity and sexuality. Davis’s comprehensive deep-dive inspires us to better appreciate those who defy traditional gender boundaries, and the incredible people they become.


Free Registration


Robin Dembroff
Yale philosophy professor

Jessica Glenn
Book publicist and writer

Alex Myers
Author and transgender advocate

Esther Newton
Thought of as the founder of Queer Studies

Karleen Pendleton Jiménez
Professor and author