UCLA Semel Institute for Neuroscience and Human Behavior, with Lisa Selin Davis and Dr. Yalda T. Uhis
8:00 PM20:00

UCLA Semel Institute for Neuroscience and Human Behavior, with Lisa Selin Davis and Dr. Yalda T. Uhis

Register here.

In TOMBOY, Lisa Selin Davis recounts the history, science and psychology of girls who defied gender expectations—and looks at the possibilities for their future. Her book chronicles the evolution of the pink/blue divide that rules modern childhood; the reasons some girls straddle or cross that divide; and who those girls grow up to be, including the relationship between childhood gender non-conformity and LGBTQ identities. Interspersed with profiles of many different kinds of tomboys, TOMBOY asks why tomboys were so popular at other times in history, where they've gone, and what we've lost, and gained, without them.

Yalda T. Uhis, Ph.D., will join Ms. Davis in conversation. Dr. Uhis is the Founder and Executive Director of Scholars & Storytellers. Dr. Uhis is an internationally recognized, award-winning research scientist, educator, and author, studying how media affect young people. In her former career, she was a senior movie executive at MGM and Sony. She received her Ph.D. in Developmental Psychology at UCLA.

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Live Interview with NextTribe
6:30 PM18:30

Live Interview with NextTribe

Thursday, Dec. 3rd: Author Interview: Lisa Selin Davis on Her New Book Tomboy

For anyone who ever was a tomboy or knew a tomboy, we talk to the author of the acclaimed book that looks at girls who stepped off the narrow path of conventionality.

“Legions of famous and important women have heralded their tomboy pasts,” author (and NextTriber) Lisa Selin Davis says in her newly published Tomboy: The Surprising History and Future of Girls Who Dare to Be Different.

And legions of regular women too! We’re betting that many of you who are now aging boldly also grew up boldly. So you won’t want to miss our talk with Lisa, especially because her book is attracting a lot of attention. It was chosen as a New York Times Book Review Editor’s Choice/Staff Pick and named a Top Nonfiction Books of 2020 by Publisher’s Weekly.

Register here.

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NovelNetwork's Book Bingo
8:00 PM20:00

NovelNetwork's Book Bingo

Register here. Entry requires purchase of one book.

We are pleased to partner with the Arapahoe Libraries in Colorado for another fun Book Bingo (Holiday Shopping): A Virtual Adventure! If you are already familiar with our popular Southern California series that features NovelNetwork® authors, you will understand why we receive so many requests to expand the program nationwide. Pivoting to virtual events has made this not only possible, but offers up fun opportunities for exciting partnerships, participation by more of our over 125 book club favorite authors, and space to accommodate many more readers!

 The event features book club favorite authors, whose broad array of books are sure to please someone on your gift giving list this holiday season: Huda Al Marashi, Lisa Selin DavisJill G. Hall, Crystal KingSusan Meissner, and Karen White, in conversation with Nicole, Event Specialist for the Arapahoe Libraries and Adventures by the Book® and NovelNetwork® founder Susan McBeth.

Join us at this free event, where we will bring you six fabulous authors, an interactive virtual game of bingo, and fun prizes, and all you have to do is show up (and why not invite your book club friends and fellow readers to join in as well) to learn about great new reads to add to your to be read list.

While this event is free, your purchase of a book(s) below (to be shipped to you within the U.S.) provides much-needed support to these authors whose book tours and events have been cancelled due to COVID-19.

Your Adventure includes a book discussion with all six authors, an interactive virtual game of Book Bingo, Q&A, prizes, and the opportunity to meet the authors via Zoom. Books may be ordered below for shipping within the U.S. and will include a signed bookplate. See below for registration information.

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Write Your Heart Our: Personal Essay Workshop
12:30 PM12:30

Write Your Heart Our: Personal Essay Workshop

In this five-week workshop with Lisa Selin Davis, we will sharpen on our own personal essays as well as parse the nuts and bolts of pitching and publishing them. Topics include the ingredients of effective and moving essays; finding outlets; writing pitch letters; and dealing with the aftermath of splattering your personal life all over the internet.

Previous publication is not required, but writers should have some writing experience and commit to having a draft ready to share during the workshop. Class participation, in discussion and in the form of giving feedback to classmates, is very much required—as is willingness to be vulnerable! We should think of the class as a safe space we’re creating to share our most intimate stories and help each other improve them. Diversity—in race, gender, sexuality, geographic, and other categories—welcome and encouraged.

Fridays, November 6th thru December 4th on Zoom; 12:30-2PM

$200; $170 for Paragraph Members

Register by email: lisa@lisaselindavis.com

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Paragraph Writers' Space Craft Talk: On Writing & Vulnerability
7:00 PM19:00

Paragraph Writers' Space Craft Talk: On Writing & Vulnerability

Author, essayist and novelist Lisa Selin Davis will talk about writing and vulnerability, especially in the age of culture wars and cancellation. The more personal our stories are, the more universal. But how do we share our most intimate selves while still protecting ourselves? And protecting those we write about? How do we know what to reveal and what to keep close to our chests? What’s the role of CYA—covering your ass—in personal writing? Is vulnerability really necessary to be effective or brave or authentic? And what do we do when we make mistakes, especially publicly (and is anything not public anymore)? 

Register here.

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Who Do Tomboys Grow Up to Be? On Childhood Gender Nonconformity and Gender Identity and Sexuality
7:00 PM19:00

Who Do Tomboys Grow Up to Be? On Childhood Gender Nonconformity and Gender Identity and Sexuality


The Center is proud to present this conversation with Lisa Selin Davis about her recent publication, “Tomboy.” In “Tomboy,” Davis explores the evolution of tomboyism from a Victorian ideal to a twenty-first century fashion statement, honoring the girls and women–and those who identify otherwise–who stomp all over archaic gender norms. She highlights the forces that have shifted what we think of as masculine and feminine, delving into everything from clothing to psychology, history to neuroscience, and the connection between tomboyism, gender identity and sexuality. Davis’s comprehensive deep-dive inspires us to better appreciate those who defy traditional gender boundaries, and the incredible people they become.


Free Registration


Robin Dembroff
Yale philosophy professor

Jessica Glenn
Book publicist and writer

Alex Myers
Author and transgender advocate

Esther Newton
Thought of as the founder of Queer Studies

Karleen Pendleton Jiménez
Professor and author

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New York City Teen Author Festival: Writing Difficult Characters
3:50 PM15:50

New York City Teen Author Festival: Writing Difficult Characters

Many of the best YA characters take readers outside their comfort zones – they may not be instantly likable or understandable, but over the course of a novel, they come to have an effect by coming to life (in all its messiness) on the page. This is a conversation about writing “difficult characters” – where they come from, what they’re like to deal with as an author, and what response do they get from readers (and does that response matter?)

Kayla Cagan
Lisa Selin Davis
Pete Hoffmeister
AR Kahler
Amanda Panitch
Alyssa Sheinmel
Catherine Stine

New York Public Library – 42nd Street, South Court Auditorium
5th Ave at 42nd St, New York ,NY 10018 United States
(917) 275-6975

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Pam Laskin & Lisa Selin Davis at the Community Bookstore, Park Slope
7:00 PM19:00

Pam Laskin & Lisa Selin Davis at the Community Bookstore, Park Slope

Ronit & Jamil, Pam Laskin’s five-act novel in verse, riffs on Shakespeare’s original star-crossed lovers, placing forbidden intimacy within the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, and exploring walls both conceptual and concrete. “A welcome nod to hope in the face of the impossible” (Booklist).

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6:00 PM18:00

Teen Author Reading Night at NYPL, November 2

I'll be reading at David Levithan's reading series at The New York Public Library's Jefferson Market branch. 

And I'll be in fine company: 

Brendan Kiely, The Last True Love Story

Justine Larbalestier, My Sister Rosa

David Levithan, The Twelve Days of Dash & Lily

Ilana Manaster, Doreen

Alecia Whitaker, The Way Back Home

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